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Wood and Leather Bag

644 opens
88 copies
Jamie Guan

Project by

Jamie Guan
Boston, Massachusetts

General Information

A bag made up of wooden side panels and leather.

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Material Description Price
Hard Maple

Hard Maple

6" × 12" × 3/4" Hard Maple

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John McWhirter
Hey Jamie, nice project! I featured it in our "Jewelry and Accessories" collection:
John McWhirter
Daniel Hirsch
Jamie very nice job! How did you attach the leather to the wood? Think Ill make one for my wife and carve her initials on the wood.
Daniel Hirsch
Jamie Guan
Hi Daniel! Thank you so much for your comment. I used leather glue but I would advise to staple or hammer in some studs!
Jamie Guan
Daniel Hirsch
Jamie - Think Ill add studs. what did you us for internal structure? It is up now on my list. Thanks for the feedback. Daniel Hirsch
Daniel Hirsch
Jamie Guan
I glued two pieces of leather together for a thicker material overall. In terms of internal structure there was no thing extra that I added, though It would be nice to add felt on the inside!
Jamie Guan
This is John would you happen to have a file that I can open in vcarve pro? I need a DFX or SVG file to open in vcarve pro.
John Ryan
I don't usually carry a purse...but this is just too cool. ;)
John Ryan
Ron Tramm
Any instructions might be helpful...also a picture of it being open so we could see how it works.
Ron Tramm
anya boekestein
How did you finish your edges to the leather? Sew them? :)
anya boekestein
George H Sheldon
I would really like to make this but need a bit more help on HOW to make it. It looks like one piece of leather that wraps all the way around and then around a dowel? How do you open and close?
George H Sheldon