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Table Top Template

618 opens
73 copies
Kris Crawford

Project by

Kris Crawford

General Information

Modern Table top router jig template see video link for build details.

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James Nelson
So.........what X-Carve Machine will cut 29"x29"??
James Nelson
Kris Crawford
The 1000mm . did you watch the video on my YouTube Channel? I show how I do this.
Kris Crawford
Stephen Robinson
I watched your video, I must have missed when you used the CNC to cut the top ,
Stephen Robinson
Stephen Robinson
I do see in easel you have your template that is cut by CNC however your table is completed with a hand plunge router
Stephen Robinson
Stephen Robinson
I do see in easel you have your template that is cut by CNC however your table is completed with a hand plunge router
Stephen Robinson
Kris Crawford
Stephen, That is correct. The template is cut out on the X-Carve, but the table top is done with a handled router because of the over all capacity of the X-Carve
Kris Crawford
Kelly Kraal
nice design , do you have the legs for easel ?
Kelly Kraal
Matt Golie
what did you do for the legs?
Matt Golie
Kris Crawford
I made wood legs, but checkout the spider legs from Seimi Exact if you're not looking to build legs.
Kris Crawford
Tony Scott
I am unable to download the template dimensions. Is it because it is a file for a CNC machine? Sorry, at a loss.
Tony Scott
Kris Crawford
Tony, it is a file that needs to be opened in Easel to cut out.
Kris Crawford