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Simple Stamp

255 opens
63 copies
Tait Leswing

Project by

Tait Leswing

General Information

Never milled a stamp before?

Start here, it’s really easy.

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Material Description Price
Black Dye Ink Pad

Black Dye Ink Pad

Black ink pad

Carbide Tip V-Bit 30 Degree Single Flute - 1/8 in Shank

Carbide Tip V-Bit 30 Degree Single Flute - 1/8 in Shank

Shank Diameter: 1/8 in, Tip Angle: 30 Degrees, Type: Engraving




2" × 3" Linoleum Block


This project's Bill of Materials is not complete.

from Inventables


Step 1: Material Setup

Clamp your piece down as square as you can (don’t worry too much) and keep the clamps as close to the edge of the linoleum as possible. When it’s secure zero your machine. Try for something like this:


Step 2: Open in Easel and Design

Open the project from this page and play around with the design. There are two elements to it:

1) The rectangle which is at 0.05" cut depth

2) Everything you want to stamp, which is at 0" cut depth and fits inside the rectangle

Both of these elements are “Fills”

TIP: If you can’t see the things you want to stamp select the rectangle, go to “Edit” and click “Send Backward.”

When you’re done designing select the things you want to stamp and click “Shape,” “Mirroring” and “Horizontal.” You may have to move your design after mirroring to keep it centered.

When you’re satisfied click “Machine Ready to Cut.”


Step 3: Stamp Everything

You just made a stamp, go stamp some stuff!

The ink pad takes a while to get saturated so practice on some paper until you’re getting good coverage.

William Adams
What feeds and speeds were used for cutting the linoleum?
William Adams
Tait Leswing
Hey Will, We've added linoleum to the materials list now with a cut depth of 0.05" and a feed rate of 30 in/min
Tait Leswing
nancy barry
Is it possible that the background which has been routed can be made smoother? and rounded edges on the letters or design of the stamp? thanks
nancy barry
Christopher Snyder
I purchased the same engraving bit and plan to carve a dog tag. How do you manually set the bit size in Easel? My plan includes font too small for the smallest preset drill bit diameter allowed but should be fine for the engraving bit. Suggestions that would still allow me to do this in Easel?
Christopher Snyder
Austin St. Aubin
What did you set the bit diameter to in easel?
Austin St. Aubin