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Simple Sign

90 opens
19 copies
Tait Leswing

Project by

Tait Leswing

General Information

An easy sign project to get you carving quickly

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Material Description Price
Blue Expanded PVC Sheet

Blue Expanded PVC Sheet

12" × 12" × 1/8" Blue Expanded PVC Sheet


from Inventables


Step 1: Material Setup

Clamp your material down on all four corners like this:


Step 2: Install your bit

Slide the bit that came with your machine into the spindle and tighten it like this:


Step 3: Machine Setup

Gently move the bit to the origin. If it’s hard to move check to make sure that there is no power to your machine.


Step 4: Easel

Power up your machine and start designing in Easel. When you’re satisfied with your design click “Ready to Carve” in the upper right hand corner and follow Easel’s instructions. Don’t worry about the material and bit measurements, they’re preset to the correct values.