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quarantine clock

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360 downloads 6 comments
christopher cook

Project by

christopher cook

General Information

Clock with the shape of a coronavirus…..
Just trying for a bit of levity in a crazy situation. I teach a makers class and our theme is bring smiles to a world that needs them.

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Make sure you measure your clock diameter accurately :)

Daniel Harasim
no share??
Daniel Harasim
christopher cook
You can open it in easel. Is there another way I should share it?
christopher cook
Drew Kasel
You haven't made it public. Only you can open it. There is a setting under File to make it public to all. It's a little tricky and fairly common for people to think they shared when they haven't. Super cool design and idea, by the way.
Drew Kasel
christopher cook
Ah duh. I should have known that. Fixed now.
christopher cook
Drew Kasel
Nice. Thanks!
Drew Kasel
Gregory Richardson
this is hillarious. gotta make one.
Gregory Richardson