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Porthole Mirror Trio

Samantha Alaimo

Project by

Samantha Alaimo

General Information

These mirrors are simple and elegant, suitable for any decor. Choose to make one, two, are all three sizes and once!

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Material Description Price
Bamboo Plywood

Bamboo Plywood

Thickness: 3/4 in - don't use 1, Plies: 3 - don't use 3, Dimensions: 12 in × 12 in - don't use 4

Desktop 3D Carving (CNC Mill) Kit - Shapeoko 2

Desktop 3D Carving (CNC Mill) Kit - Shapeoko 2

Silver Mirrored Acrylic Sheet

Silver Mirrored Acrylic Sheet

Dimensions: 8 in × 12 in, Thickness: 1/8 in


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from Inventables

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All three mirrors can be cut from the same file


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Cut Down Material

The diameter of the bamboo frame has a diameter of 5.5 Inches. Cut down the bamboo to an appropriate size. If your machine can fit a 12 × 12 piece of material, you can skip this step.


Secure the Material

The best way to secure your material is to use the “hold down table project” or to screw the material to a waste board with wood screws.


Home the Axis

Place the bit at the desired zero point for all the axis. the origin point for the attached files is in the lower left hand corner of the material.


Create the Cam

I generated the tool paths in from a .svg file. The instructions on how to do this are in the video below.


Run The file

Upload the .nc file to a g code sender program. There are multiple free one available, like universal g code sender and g host.


Finish Material

I used a chisel and rubber mallet to break the tabs off the pieces, and finished the edges with some 220 grit sandpaper.

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