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Nintendo NES Cartridge Cutting Board

298 opens
129 copies
Matt Slaga

Project by

Matt Slaga
Jacksonville, USA

General Information

A little 80’s throwback here. An original Nintendo Entertainment System cartridge replica (size increased to make a better cutting board). I tried to match an original as best I could. One suggestion though, when you want to use as a cutting board, turn it over.

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Material Description Price
Bamboo Plywood

Bamboo Plywood

Thickness: 3/4 in - don't use, Plies: 3 - don't use 1, Dimensions: 8 in × 12 in - don't use 1


Carve it out

25 minutes

Carve it out, then apply cutting board oil and conditioner.

Justin Epley
I love this! Since I don't use easel can you please send me this file? Thanks!
Justin Epley
Matt Slaga
I created this within easel, I don't think there is an export option. If you know how, I'd be happy to send it to you.
Matt Slaga
Patrick J. Noel
above photo is pine, bad idea for cutting boards
Patrick J. Noel
Matt Slaga
Yes, terrible idea for an actual cutting board, but great idea for getting the cutout just right. :)
Matt Slaga