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Modifed Matchbox Puzzle Box

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David Bennett

Project by

David Bennett

General Information

The Modified Matchbox puzzle box cnc cutting list from homemadepuzzles website.

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Material Description Price
Red Oak

Red Oak

6" × 12" × 1/2" Red Oak

File Description Unit Price

Modified Matchbox Plans.pdf

pdf plans


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from Inventables


Cut out the pieces for the box

Cut out the pieces for the box with a 8″ × 12″ piece of 1/2" oak. Or you could use 3/4" and cut the pieces down to the right size.

Setup your machine and running the cutting paths from easel.


Glue the middle of the box in place

Follow instructions from the pdf and glue the middle of the box onto the front of the box. Then glue the other side onto the back piece of the box.


Glue the holders in place

Glue the holders onto the inside of the three sides of the box, top, bottom, left and right. Follow the instructions in the pdf on where to glue them into the box exactly.


Assemble box!

Assemble the box following the directions in the attached pdf.