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Modern Jewelry Box

536 opens
263 copies
Steve Carmichael

Project by

Steve Carmichael

General Information

This modern jewelry box is made from maple and cherry with aluminum drawer pulls.

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Material Description Price
Cherry Wood

Cherry Wood (×6)

6" × 12" × 3/4" Cherry Wood


Soft Maple - Hardwood Type

Soft Maple - Hardwood Type (×3)

Thickness: 3/4 in, Dimensions: 6 in × 12 in


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Watch the Video!

10 minutes

Watch my video of this Modern Jewelry Box project below, then make one yourself. The video will give you a good overview of how I designed the parts in EASEL and cut them out using the X-Carve.


Cut the Front and Two Middle Pieces.

90 minutes

I used a 3/’4" thick maple board that was 30″×7″. Mount it on the X-Carve and cut the front board and two of the middle boards. Sand them smooth.

Pro Tip! Inspect the board to find the end that has the nicest wood grain. Place this end face down on the left side, since that will be the front show face of the box.


Cut the Back and Two Middle Pieces.

90 minutes

I used a 3/’4" thick cherry board that was 30″×7″. Mount it on the X-Carve and cut the back board and two more middle boards. Sand them smooth.

Pro Tip! Inspect the board to find the end that has the nicest wood grain. Place this end face down on the left side, since that will be the back show face of the box.


Glue Up the Box.

30 minutes

I found some bamboo skewers that fit perfectly into the alignment holes. I cut two small pieces that will fit within the stack of boards. Insert these into the back board, then glue on each middle board in an alternating color pattern. Lastly, glue on the front board. Check to make sure the sides are all flush and apply clamps. Clean up any glue squeeze out on the outside and inside the drawer openings.


Cut the Drawers.

90 minutes

I cut three drawers at a time out of two 17.5″×5″ cherry boards. Sand them smooth. Make sure they fit into the box ok.


Add Drawer Pulls.

60 minutes

I bought some 1/4" aluminum rod and cut six 3/4" long pieces to use as drawer pulls. I put these in my drill so I could spin them and use sand paper to smooth them out and give them a brushed look. Mine had a nice friction fit, but you can glue them in if needed. Wooden dowel rods will also work for drawer pulls.


Sanding and Finishing

120 minutes

Do any last minute finish sanding before applying a finish. I like to use Deft Clear Wood Finish Satin Spray Lacquer. It goes on easily, dries fast, and looks great!


Fill it with Jewelry and Enjoy!

Once the finish is dry, you can filly it up with jewelry and enjoy your new jewelry box!

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Thanks for checking out my project!
- Steve…

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