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LOTR Book Cover

93 opens
42 copies
Dustin Smith

Project by

Dustin Smith

General Information

I’ve always wanted a leather bound copy of The Lord of the Rings. Sadly, they are way too expensive. This allows for a more custom design utilizing wood! This can be customized for each book, or grouped for all 3 in one binding.

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Pick your cover and cut

45 minutes

First, choose which species of wood you’d like for the cover. I love the look of walnut. The book covers are 6″ × 9″. If you find a 13″ × 10″ × 1/8" you should be good to go. I didn’t want to cover to be too thick, so I chose .125" thickness. Once you’d chosen your wood, open the file and start cutting.


Sand and finish

20 minutes

When finished cutting, use fine grit sandpaper to smooth the faces of each cover. When finished, stain and or seal the wood.

You can also fill in the symbol with either paint or resin to make it really stand out.


Get the text

If you already have a copy of the book(s) and they’re the right size, then you’re good to go. Otherwise, you can locate the books online and send them to a printer (or print yourself).



Some people may choose to skip the leather binding. If so, line up the pages between the covers and punch holes through the paper corresponding to the holes in the wood. Then thread leather sewing thread through the holes in the wood and the paper to tie them together.

If you want to add leather binding, there are multiple techniques and guides out there to help add an extra flair to your custom book.