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Brian Wildman

Project by

Brian Wildman

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In this project I show you how to make a lamp. Now this isn’t just a plan and simple lamp. The lamp is made out of Wenge wood and features light diffuser film to soften the light. It also features a awesome voronoi pattern in it.

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Material Description Price
Hard Maple

Hard Maple

6" × 12" × 1/8" Hard Maple


Light Diffuser Films

Light Diffuser Films

Form: .007 in x 8.5 in x 11 in matte one side - 10 Sheet Pack


Wenge (×5)

6" × 12" × 1/8" Wenge



6" × 12" × 3/4" Wenge

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from Inventables



6 minutes

Watch the video to see how I made the Lamp



10 minutes

Laying out the Wenge pieces is a little tricky. The 1/8" Wenge pieces that come form Inventables are 6″×12″. So I stacked four pieces vertically on their long edge and the 5th piece to the left with the short side on the x-axis. See picture. In Easel you may need to move your lamp pieces around to make them fit in the 6″×12″ rectangles.
I used double sided tape to hole my pieces down.



180 minutes

Load the Lamp file to cut out the lamp sides, top and bottom pieces. This file uses a 1/16" bit. Double check your material thickness. The pieces I received from Inventables were not consistent.

Click here for Lamp file


Carve #2

300 minutes

Without moving anything, load the Lamp Voro file to cut the Voronoi pattern in the sides, top and bottom pieces. This file uses a 1/8" bit.

Click here for Lamp Voro file


Be Careful!!

10 minutes

If you use double sided tape, be careful when prying the pieces off. Take your time. I used a putty knife and it worked out great.


Cut the light diffuser film

10 minutes

Cut the light diffuser file into rectangles. Make sure you over size it so that it goes past the voronoi patter. I used a craft tacky glue and it had a hard time sticking. I would recommend using something else.


Glue Up

60 minutes

Now this is where it gets tricky. At first, I tried gluing everything together…that didn’t work. So I ended up gluing one pieces on at a time. Just take your time and make sure everything is tight so you don’t have any gaps were light can shine through.



10 minutes

It will be easiest to glue in the magnets before you glue on your last side. I bought some 3/4" magnets at my local craft store. I only used 3 magnets.


Base #1

For the base of the Lamp, I used a 3/4" piece of Wenge cut into a 6″×6″ square. Load “Lamp Base” in Easel. This will cut the hole for the light fixture and a slot for the cord. You may need to adjust the cut outs if you use a different light fixture.

Click here for Lamp Base


Glue in light fixture.

5 minutes

I used epoxy to glue in the light fixture. I only glued in the metal pieces, not the cord.


Maple Reveal

I used a pieces of maple to act as a reveal. I cut it into a 5″×5″ square. There is a 2" hole in the center, which is enough room for the light fixture. I also recessed the other magnets into this pieces. Again I used a 3/4" magnet, so you may need to adjust the holes in the file to fit your magnets. Load “Maple Base” and cut away.

Click here for the maple reveal


Sand, Sand....Sand

Before sanding, check and see if you have any gaps in your joints. If you do, mix up a little epoxy and add some Wenge saw dust to it and fill and gaps with this mixture. I used a flat sanding block when sanding my lamp. I didn’t want to use a orbital sander as it was to risky and I didn’t want to break any of the voronoi pieces.



8 minutes

I used a polyurethane finish.

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Kevin Lupton
Did you use the dogbone generator to make the locked edges? I can't get it to work. I get these breaks to appear on the edge in the sketch, but they don't offset from the original outline.
Kevin Lupton
every time I try to use the voronoi app it come up with an error...what is wrong with the app?
Dennis A McAlister
I have been trying to find the light diffuser film but having trouble finding the right ones, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dennis A McAlister