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Shannon Dolese

Project by

Shannon Dolese
Lucedale, USA

General Information

An easy carve of a Kitchen measuring conversion Chart. Carved out of 1/2" Cherry, using 1/8" bit, 30 degree v-carve and 1/8" for the perimeter. The Drill point at the bottom left use to ensure all multiple carves start at the same location (x=.25, Y = .25). Wife and friends love this item.

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Heather Merlo
Looks Great! How are you getting the contrast between the engraving and the face of the board?
Heather Merlo
Shannon Dolese
It’s the natural contrast from the wood. Being that the face is sanded down to 400 grit yet the engraving isn’t sanded at all. I have found that cherry shows more of the contrast, however they all have once a spray finish or oil is applied. Glad you liked it!
Shannon Dolese
Tracy Thurman
How deep are you making the cuts in this board
Tracy Thurman
Shannon Dolese
If I am not mistaken I did it at at 1/16” depth
Shannon Dolese
Shannon Dolese
I will check and reply if different then stated. Also it should show in the file
Shannon Dolese
Tracy Thurman
are you using the 1/8 bit first and then going back over with the 30 degree v-bit
Tracy Thurman
victor vilao
This is a very nice project. I'm not sure how the guide holes work when you flip the piece over to carve the back. Do you flip the wood vertically of horizontally?
victor vilao
maurice cormier
I'm new to this am I doing something wrong I bring it up but I don't get any off the writing except for your name am I supposed to put it all in
maurice cormier
Kearney Emile
It is very nice and usefull but i am confused . in the general information you write 30 degree v bit but in the program you select the 60 degree v bit for the number and symbols . Which bit should we use. Thank in advance
Kearney Emile
Shannon Dolese
I have tried both a 60 and 30 degree bits. It depends on the wood species used
Shannon Dolese
Shannon Dolese
Answering This is a very nice project. I'm not sure how the guide holes work when you flip the piece over to carve the back. Do you flip the wood vertically of horizontally? I have a jig that I carved the board to sit in this ensuring it’s in the exact position for zero back and front carving
Shannon Dolese
Jason Zolnierz
Qhat kind if finish did you use?
Jason Zolnierz
Shannon Dolese
I used a minwax spray lacquer satin
Shannon Dolese
christopher smith
i made a sample just now with clear pine .Came out alot better then i expected.Igive you props for ease of disign was very self explanatory
christopher smith
Quentin Pittman
Project looks great but when i copy to try and cut for my daughter I'm not getting the lettering. Am i missing something or doing something wrong?
Quentin Pittman
david hahn
when I open in Easel, I get none of the text except for your logo. Is there an additional file I need?
david hahn
Shannon Dolese
There should be 3 sheets with in the design section of the file
Shannon Dolese
david hahn
could you do me a favor Shannon and look again at your website on Inventables? To my knowledge, the design section with the 3 sheets seems to be missing.
david hahn
Shannon Dolese
David, I opened the file/project from the Inventables site and all 5 sheets are there. I don't know exactly what the issue is with regards to what you are getting. May want to contact Inventables for assistance. Sorry I could not help you any further.
Shannon Dolese
Barry L. Kin
I don't understand how your kitchen calculator project can work when the Easel drawing shows it hanging over the edge of the grid. Thank you, Barry Kin
Barry L. Kin
Shannon Dolese
Barry, this was set up for a 1000x1000 machine wasteboard. What size machine are you using? I can refigure the files to have the zero point at machine board to zero if that helps
Shannon Dolese
Shannon Dolese
All though it really shouldn't make a difference
Shannon Dolese
Shannon Dolese
I have a jig that I carved the board to sit in this ensuring it’s in the exact position for zero back and front carving
Shannon Dolese
Barry L. Kin
Shannon: All I know is I have an Xcarve 1000. Thank you, Barry L. Kin
Barry L. Kin
John Dixon
I just did you Kitchen Calculator it looks beautiful ! I did mine it came out awful, I used the 60° Bit on all.
John Dixon
Shannon Dolese
If I am correct, I used a 30 degree bit for the carving due to the small size of the lettering. I believe that a 60 degree bit is too wide for the small lettering and the depth of the cut What type of wood did you use?
Shannon Dolese
John Dixon
Just pine, i just saw my post it looks confusing it should of said I did yours and came out awful.
John Dixon