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Headphones/In Ear Monitor Case

36 opens
15 copies
Kevin Cleary Jr

Project by

Kevin Cleary Jr

General Information

This is a wooden version of my 64 Audio In Ear Monitor case that I keep my IEM’s in!

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90 minutes

First and foremost- find a piece of rough cut lumber that you like. I’ve used Maple, oak, zebrawood, etc. The box in the picture is Zebrawood. Rough cut gives it a thickness of just under 1 inch (about 0.85 inches thick).

You’ll need a piece that’s at least 6 inches wide (y axis) and 9-10 inches long (on X axis).

Securely clamp down your material.

I used a 1/8th inch straight cutter. Zero it up, and let it fly! Because of the intricate cuts, it should take just under 90 minutes to finish.

When everything is cut, remove the two posts (on the side) and glue them into the larger circles cut down in the bottom of the box!

I attached a small jewelry box hinge and then finished it with some clear oil!

I hope you love it!