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Geometric Mountain Scene

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162 copies
1 comment
Mo Stych

Project by

Mo Stych

General Information

My husband and I took a trip out west this summer to visit a bunch of National Parks, including Grand Teton National Park. To commemorate our trip, I made this artwork for us to hang in our house. As tempting as it is to buy souvenirs, I like making my own!

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Material Description Price
Bamboo Plywood

Bamboo Plywood

Thickness: 3/8 in., Plies: 7 ply, Dimensions: 12 in × 12 in


Carbide V-Bits

Carbide V-Bits

Shank Diameter: 1/4 in, Cutting Diameter: 1/2 in, Tip Angle: 90 Degree


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Customize Project

10 minutes

My project was inspired by Grand Teton National Park, but you can delete the text and add your own text.

Use the text tool to type something new. Maybe it is the name of a mountainous place that means something special to you or a favorite quote. Make it your own!


Mount Material, Insert Bit, and Carve!

25 minutes

This project utilizes a 90-degree v-bit on all its carving paths. You’ll only need one 90-degree v-bit to carve the whole project file. Pretty rad!

Note: the design intentionally carves off the 12″ × 12″ workpiece so the bit’s toolpath goes off the edge at the full depth instead of tapering upwards. Clamp wisely to account for these toolpaths!

Emmett Gallagher
I love this sign so much, Mo! Well done!
Emmett Gallagher