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Flatpack Yo-yo

52 opens
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Drew Tetz

Project by

Drew Tetz

General Information

Create a fully functional yo-yo from a 1/4" wood sheets for a DIY model spin on the classic toy.

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Material Description Price
MDF Wood

MDF Wood

Dimensions: 8 in × 12 in, Thickness: 1/4 in


from Inventables

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SVG file for lasercutters


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from Inventables


Cut the pieces.

Load the Easel cut file and cut the pieces out of MDF.
(Photos represent hardwood cut on a lasercutter, but Easel file designed for a Carvey with an 1/8" bit.)


Glue the first layer

2 minutes

Apply a thin layer of glue to the circular recess in the center of the largest pieces. Put the medium-sized discs into the recess.


Glue the axle

2 minutes

Put a small amount of glue on the axle (the rectangular center piece) & then slide it through the square holes in the center of the discs to align them.
Add glue to the center recession in the medium-sized discs, then slide the smallest disc onto the axle.


Glue the halves together

25 minutes

Finally, add glue to the axle recession on the other half of the yo-yo, and then slide it onto the axle.
Put a small book (or other weight) on top of the yo-yo to hold it in place while the glue dries, taking care to ensure that the weight is evenly distributed in order to avoid uneven yo-yo halves.



After the glue has dried, slip on a cotton yo-yo string (beeswax on the string loop optional) & have fun! You can also assemble this model inside-out for a classic “looper” shape.

Check out for the latest in yo-yo tricks & videos.