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Fixed-Height Dust Extraction

236 opens
108 copies
Rick Miller

Project by

Rick Miller

General Information

This attaches to the Z makerslide and remains at a fixed height.

It does a great job of collecting dust, some chips manage to escape. Even with 1/8" straight flute bits, dust gets pulled from the grooves.

Hold-down clamps must be at or below the cut surface

Inspired by @FrancisMarasigan

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Additional Easel Files

Drill Holes (to run after main parts, can be copied into main parts file)
These are in a separate file due to the way Easel drills holes that overlap with other elements.

Acrylic Parts (.093" Clear plastic)


Additional Parts

Acrylic covers for top, back and bottom
Magnets (.125 dia x .0625 tall) x4
2" Corner braces (L-brackets) max .6" width. Custom holes drilled
PVC 3/4 to 3/4 junction
PVC 3/4 (3")
The PVC parts fit my dust hose, you may need to modify accordingly.

John Soerensen
Hi, the "Acrylic Parts (.093" Clear plastic)" project is not shared public.
John Soerensen
Rick Miller
Try this link
Rick Miller
Bob Hewson
Not sure where the "L" brackets fasten to the X-carve. Could you take and post a photo showing attchment from front/side? Thanks, Bob
Bob Hewson
Rick Miller
Photo added. You can see that a new hole had to be drilled. This was to ensure the bracket is pushed away from the v-wheel.
Rick Miller
Brian Gillman
What are the magnets (X4) used for?
Brian Gillman
Rick Miller
The magnets hold the acrylic cover onto the base. You can see them in the first photo. Not required, but I wanted something to hold the cover down. Since there is suction pulling it down, maybe they aren't needed.
Rick Miller
That's right I did not use the magnet and the cover is hold in place by the suction. I am very happy with this design.
Bill Bucket
Looks like it would go well with the pipe clamp project -
Bill Bucket
Jim Chamberlain
Rear entry hoses looks great and I will give your design as reference. Do you have any more thoughts or second thoughts after using it on projects? Thanks
Jim Chamberlain
Rick Miller
I have since modified this to use a brush so that it can work better with clamps. And I'm using t-track to mount to the x-carve, which allows for easier height adjustment. It is still extremely effective and leaves practically no dust behind. I'll see if I can add photos here or post a new project.
Rick Miller
Jim Chamberlain
Thanks for the updates. Both good ideas. I am using a Shapeoko 3 and plan to add a cheap borescope / endoscope to the bracket so I can get a closeup view of the action.
Jim Chamberlain