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355 opens
199 copies
Michael A Jones Jr.

Project by

Michael A Jones Jr.

General Information

I made it for my Maintenance instructor. Enjoy Everyone!!!

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mike Jones
Is this available for the public? It will not open. Thanks
mike Jones
Michael A Jones Jr.
It should be. I'll check when I get home.
Michael A Jones Jr.
Kevin Menchaca
Were you ever able to share this project publically? Thanks.
Kevin Menchaca
mike Jones
just checking if you could make public thanks
mike Jones
victor orta
Hello i cannot open it it says its not open to public
victor orta
Cameron Von St James
Douche - for not sharing file!
Cameron Von St James
Michael A Jones Jr.
Sorry, for the delay. Life been crazy!!! Try this link:
Michael A Jones Jr.
Andrew Petzold
Michael very nice project sorry for all the jerks yelling at you about not making it public fast enough. Its not your responiblity to share it publicly. Great Job. 4/26/2018
Andrew Petzold
Leonard Jackson Provencher
Awesome, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks man!!!
Leonard Jackson Provencher