You can either use the provided engraving design or watch this video to learn how to create your own design in Easel.
If you are creating your own design, start from this blank template.
1 minute
Measure the exact size and thickness of your material. The thickness of acrylic is inconsistent from piece to piece, so this is an important step.
11 minutes
Set the size and thickness of your material.
The provided design is located here, or use your custom engraving design in this step.
Use an engraving bit with the cut depth set to .01” and the 1/32 2FL Fish Tail bit. Carve the design.
Leave the material secured on the wasteboard for the next step.
2 minutes
Open this Easel file for the shape outlines.
The small rectangles (which are the connector slots) are set to a width of .25”. If your material is thinner than that (for example, .22”), the rectangle width should be changed to that measurement as well (or .003” smaller for a tighter fit). The width can be changed in the “shape” palette, make sure the center position is selected and that the lock next to width and hight is unlocked. Then type in the correct value.
Bob Jewell
Cultivate Studios