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Dewalt 611 Quick Tool Changer

1591 opens
927 copies
Bill Lawrence

Project by

Bill Lawrence

General Information

After changing the bits under my new Dewalt 611 router I found the stock wrench very troublesome. So I made one out of 3/4" Oak.

3-18-19:Glad this is being used by others!
I use this thing all of the time and I am still on the original.
It has some dog chew marks, but still working :-)

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Antonio Santiago
Hi Bill, you forgot to share your project into Easel, nice idea by the way!
Antonio Santiago
Bill Lawrence
Kind of new at sharing projects, but I thought you only had to hit the Open in Easel Button:
Bill Lawrence
Antonio Santiago
You got it now! I guess you have to publish and share it. Thank you for the project, keep up the good work!
Antonio Santiago
Nice idea!
Arthur Pollack
Thanks for sharing, I made one from your Easel file about two months ago and it is so much better than the stock wrench (its collecting dust somewhere).
Arthur Pollack
Rolando Corral
thanks for sharing
Rolando Corral
Allen Kh
Fantastic idea. Thank you for sharing. I ended up cutting it with a scroll saw though. It was much faster.
Allen Kh
Z Cost
Thanks for sharing! Way better than the wrench.
Z Cost
Jeff Richmond
made mine out of some scrap corian
Jeff Richmond
Bill Lawrence
Jeff, can you share the pic. I might do just that also. Great idea.
Bill Lawrence
Mike Anderson
Irony, I opened in easel, didn't have any quality wood, used some .50 scrap MDF, worked perfect. Haven't touched the stock wrench since. You can see the dirt all over mine to prove use... Good share... THANKS.
Mike Anderson
Bill Lawrence
Makes me wish I would have saved my oak board ;-)
Bill Lawrence
Shannon Dolese
I also made one for I didn't like the movement of the spindle using the wrench. I added one feature to the already designed spindle cut out. I drilled 2 1/4" holes through the tool thickness and inserted 2 pin magnets as to prevent the tool from sliding off of the spindle while reposition my grip
Shannon Dolese
Bill Lawrence
Great idea Shannon, send a pic.
Bill Lawrence
Shannon Dolese
Bill I attempted to add the photos several times and continue to get an error, can you advise.
Shannon Dolese
Gary Florencio
Made one doesn't fit.
Gary Florencio
Bill Lawrence
Gary, What dint fit? Too loose, too tight?
Bill Lawrence
Gary Florencio
Too tight....sanded it down and it fights snug. Dumb question am I supposed to leave it on?
Gary Florencio
Bill Lawrence
This was not made to leave it on. I wanted a smaller tool to tighten the bit in the router, rather than the wrench that comes with it. Alternatively, check the diameter of your cutting bit, if it is a bit smaller than .125" then the hole that is cut will be smaller.
Bill Lawrence
Pete Donchenko
I made mine from HDPE. Used a 1/16 round over bit to clean it up. Works great! I wasn't sure about leaving it on. It was a tight fit but I wonder if it'll degrade the router performance and router itself over time?? I'll probably just take it off and make the inside hole bigger...
Pete Donchenko
Leonard Jackson Provencher
Hole's to small (TWSS) will have to remake but edit the center, still using 1/8" bit. Love the concept though!
Leonard Jackson Provencher
Dale Parsons
Hello, great idea as I have problems with my hands, does anyone know if this will work with a Makita router, not sure if they all have a generic collet
Dale Parsons
John Choate
Works just great. Makes bit changing without losing center much easier
John Choate