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Deer cameo

229 opens
43 copies
Cam Rempel

Project by

Cam Rempel

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Playing with the settings on a 1/8"end mill. 36 minutes to carve out and looked so cool I tried a couple different finishes. The black one was painted before engraving. 13 1/2"x 9"

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Mark Cooper
Hey Cam: Unfortunately the file that you uploaded does not seem to be the Deer Cameo that you show. When I try to open in Easel, the file is named and shows circles not the images shown. Just an FYI. THANKS Mark
Mark Cooper
Cam Rempel
Ya, you are right ... The wrong file was uploaded. Now that I have a few months experience with this I can recreate it easily and have speed it up ... If any one is interested let me know and I will upload a better cleaner (right) file
Cam Rempel
Peter O'Hagan
Hi I would appreciate it if you could upload a better file. Thanks
Peter O'Hagan