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Custom Stamps

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Travis Lucia

Project by

Travis Lucia

General Information

See how easy it is to make a custom stamp using Easel and your X-carve and then create Greeting cards, shirts or anything else that you can stamp!

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Material Description Price


8" × 10" Linoleum Block


Solid Carbide Upcut Fish Tail Spiral Bits

Solid Carbide Upcut Fish Tail Spiral Bits

1/32" Upcut Fish Tail Carving Bit


Solid Carbide Upcut Fish Tail Spiral Bits

Solid Carbide Upcut Fish Tail Spiral Bits

1/16" Upcut Fish Tail Carving Bit

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Super Mario Question Block



Darth Vadar Head



Portal Companion Cube


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Tools and Materials

1 minute


Fishtail Milling Bits: 1/16" and 1/32" will allow you to make very detailed stamps.
Saw: Some form of saw for cutting the stamp out after you’ve carved them. This can be done with the x-carve but I would recommend changing bits before you carve through all that material.
Brush: If using acrylic paints.

Mounted Linoleum
Craft Paint or Stamp Pad
Something to Stamp!


Add your design to Easel

5 minutes

Import a .SVG or create a design using the built in design elements and text.


Creating the Backing

3 minutes

Add a shape element that fully encompasses the size of your design or the total size you would like the stamp to be.

Next you’ll need to select and send this shape to the furthest back layer possible by using the menu system: Edit; Send Backward, or you can use keyboard shortcuts: cmmd + [



5 minutes

Before caving quickly check your toolpaths to ensure all the details will be present after carving, once your pleased with the design get to carving!


Clean Up

2 minutes

Once the carve is complete you may need to go over the stamp quickly with an awl or a nail to clear out the linoleum chips from tight corners and detailed areas.


Cut the Stamp to final size.

This can be done using the machine but I encourage you to carve out the stamps on a larger piece of linoleum and cut them to final size once carving is completed using a bandsaw, table saw ect…


Get to stamping!

5 minutes

Now comes the really fun part, Stamping! There are several different brands and colors of stamp pads out on the market. I tried using pigment stamp pads but was a little unimpressed with the final result so I decided to give Acrylic craft paints a try and was far more pleased with the results as well as how many different sub straights it transfers to.

Zach Kaplan
What kind of craft paint did you use that worked better than the ink pad?
Zach Kaplan
Travis Lucia
Zach, I tried using a pigment ink pad and it worked but with images that were slightly more faded that I expected so I instead used Acrylic Craft Paint. The brand I used was Anita's, I'm sure any Acrylic paints would work fine though.
Travis Lucia
Matthew Nuss
I do this and use speedball block printing ink.
Matthew Nuss
 Bewilderbeast Brandon
Awesome Job what did you use X Carve or Carvey
Bewilderbeast Brandon
I have an image I would like created into a stamp where can i get one made? linoeum stamp.