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Christmas Spider

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Shalee Sykes

Project by

Shalee Sykes
Kennewick, Washington

General Information

There is a legend in Germany and Ukraine on why you want to find a spider in your Christmas tree, and the origin of tinsel. If real spider cannot be found, it is tradition to hang a spider ornament in it’s place. ~Legend Included at the End

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Hard Maple

Hard Maple

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Christmas Spider Legend Printable.pdf


Christmas Spider.svg


Download Zip

from Inventables


Open File in Easel

5 minutes

Assemble Materials.
Secure wood to the waste board.
Open File in using the link at the top of this project.


Start Carving

20 minutes

Follow instructions for carving in Easel.
Select wood, bit size, and material dimensions.

Watch your CNC GO!


Remove Orament

5 minutes

Remove the wood and ornament from the wasteboard.
Cut tabs.



10 minutes

Put on finish- Oil, varnish, paint, or whatever you’d like!
Print PDF – The Legend of the Christmas Spider.
Hang on your TREE!



If you do not wish to open the PDF here is copy of the Legend you can copy and paste-

Once upon a time, long ago, a gentle mother was busily cleaning the house for the most wonderful day of the year…. The day on which the Christ child came to bless the house. Not a speck of dust was left. Even the spiders had been banished from their cozy corner in the ceiling to avoid the housewife’s busy cleaning. They finally fled to the farthest corner of the attic.

T’was the Christmas eve at last! The tree was decorated and waiting for the children to see it. But the poor spiders were frantic, for they could not see the tree, nor be present for the Christ child’s visit. But the oldest and wisest spider suggested that perhaps they could peep through the crack in the door to see him. Silently they crept out of their attic, down the stairs, and across the floor to wait in the crack in the threshold. Suddenly, the door opened a wee bit and quickly the spiders scurried into the room. They must see the tree closely, since their eyes weren’t accustomed to the brightness of the room… so the crept all over the tree, up and down, over every branch and twig and saw every one of the pretty things. At last they satisfied themselves completely of the Christmas tree beauty.

But alas!! Everywhere they went they had left their webs, and when the little Christ child came to bless the house he was dismayed. He loved the little spiders, for they were God’s creatures too, but he knew the mother, who had trimmed the tree for the little children, wouldn’t feel the same, so He touched the webs and they all turned to sparkling, shimmering, silver and gold!

Ever since that time, we have hung tinsel on our christmas trees, and according to the legend, it has been a custom to include a spider among the decorations on the tree.


David Haykus
I really like this but I don't yet have a Shape-oko or Carvey or X-carve to use Easel with and was wondering if you had a file I could use on a laser cutter at my local Tech Shop? I think it could work well. Thank you very much.
David Haykus
Shalee Sykes
Hi, David I went ahead and added the SVG file of the ornament to the Digital Files section in this Project. I hope that it works for you, if not I can try to email you. Cheers! Shalee
Shalee Sykes
Stephen Robinson
i can not change your cut depth from 12 mm, your example is not 1/2in thick
Stephen Robinson