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Chinese Checkers Board

549 opens
208 copies
1 comment
Mo Stych

Project by

Mo Stych

General Information

This Chinese Checkers board carves in just 30 minutes! Buy a set of marbles and you’re ready to start playing.

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Material Description Price
Bamboo Plywood

Bamboo Plywood

Thickness: 3/8 in., Plies: 7 ply, Dimensions: 12 in × 12 in


Carbide Tip Straight 2 Flute - 1/8 in Cutting x 1/8 in Shank

Carbide Tip Straight 2 Flute - 1/8 in Cutting x 1/8 in Shank

Quantity: 1, Shank Diameter: 1/8 in, Cutting Diameter: 1/8 in


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Open Easel file and carve

30 minutes

Set up your material, open the Easel file, and you’re good to go!

If you’d like to personalize the project, you can add custom engravings and designs to the Easel file (a v-bit would work best for this).


Double your fun?

You can’t see it in this photo, but the back side of this Chinese Checkers board is a chess/checkers board. The thickness of the bamboo material allows for two playing boards on one piece of wood. Pretty rad!

We have a full tutorial on how to make the inlaid checkers/chess board if you want to make another game!

Do you have a file that I can open in vcarve pro