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Challenge: Fidget Spinners

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Material Description Price
Black HDPE Sheet

Black HDPE Sheet

Thickness: 1/4 in, Dimensions: 8 in × 12 in

Sealed Bearing - 8mm x 22mm x 7mm

Sealed Bearing - 8mm x 22mm x 7mm

ID: 8 mm, OD: 22 mm, Thickness: 7 mm, Type: 608-2RS


1. The Challenge

We would like to start with a community challenge to make a toy. By each of us contributing one, together we’ll create a virtual toy store. We’ll start with a Fidget Spinner. Amazon has about 2,000 fidget spinners for sale and Etsy has about 3,000. We want all the spinners to be unique and interesting. That gives us the opportunity to exercise our creative and technical muscles.

This challenge introduces a system of 4 levels from basic to advanced with options for everyone to participate and be rewarded.


2. Entry Levels

Level 1:

Design a fidget spinner and save it as an Easel project. The design must be an original creation that could be made and used. It also must be unique from the other ones on the site. Spinners made only using the Fidget Spinner App do not qualify. If you use the app and make a modification it will qualify. You do not need to carve it to enter Level 1.

To qualify for Level 1 you must post your Easel project as a remake and make it public. Use a screenshot of your design in Easel as the main image.

Level 2:

Make a basic fidget spinner from your design.

To qualify for Level 2 you must carve your design, install the bearing and post an image of it on your project page.

Level 3:

Implement an interesting electronic feature in your spinner; Light, sound, motion, circuits, etc. surprise us! (Interesting is judged by @jdm )

To qualify for Level 3, you must post an image of the finished spinner and an animated gif or video of it demonstrating its function.

Level 4:

Full 3D carving, not just 2.5D. Bonus points for flip milling where both sides are full 3D. If you are unsure of the difference between 3D and 2.5D, send @jdm a message on the Inventables forum.

To qualify for Level 4, you must post an image of it carved. It is not necessary to complete Level 3 to enter a Level 4 spinner.


3. Enter A Remake

A short video on how to post a remake for the level(s) you wish to enter.


4. Rewards

Level 1 reward= $5 Inventables Gift Card

Level 2 reward= $10 Inventables Gift Card

Level 3 reward= $50 Inventables Gift Card

Level 4 reward= $50 Inventables Gift Card

@jdm will review all the remakes on the project page to determine the rewards. All rewards will be sent on March 31st, 2017. They’re stackable, so the maximum you can get is $115 gift card. You must meet the criteria for each entry level as stated in Step 2 to qualify for that reward.

Each person can only achieve each level once.

This is the honor system— we don’t want people posting 100 Level 1 entries and expect to earn 100 $5 gift cards. Please be respectful and be a good actor so we can continue to do these challenges. You can carve the spinners at lots of libraries like Chicago Public and San Diego Public. You can choose to donate your gift cards to the library so they can order more materials for the maker space at the library.

Designs depicting copyrighted material are allowed under Fair Use law, (e.g. a Settlers of Katan themed spinner). Inventables will not promote, advertise or link to the sale or distribution of any designs that contain copyrighted material.

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Noah Pittman
What exactly are the counterweights?
Noah Pittman
karthik reddy
too cool
karthik reddy
Jerry Berg
I just posted mine!
Jerry Berg
Cyrus Rich
How do you make a fidget spinner 3D? Do you have to use a different program? Can you also carve a 3D spinner using the b
Cyrus Rich
Parth sinha
Oh yeah
Parth sinha
Parth sinha
I just posted mine
Parth sinha