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Charles Dearing

Project by

Charles Dearing
Gatesville, united States

General Information

Praying hands with script lettering underneath.
Used Easel, 1/16 cutting diameter, fish tail, 2 flute bit.
Multiple low depth passes.
Video is here:
Easel file here:

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Material Description Price
Birch Plywood

Birch Plywood

Thickness: 1/2 in, Dimensions: 8 in × 12 in

Solid Carbide Upcut Fish Tail Spiral Bits

Solid Carbide Upcut Fish Tail Spiral Bits

1/16" Upcut Fish Tail Carving Bit


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from Inventables


Bless this home artwork

I chose very cautious depths/per pass because I had been breaking many bits. Depth per pass was 0/010. From now on I’ll go deeper. You may choose whatever you’re comfortable with.
My material was 3/16 thick. I slowed the speed to 15 inches per minute. Go with your comfort level.
Home the machine and let it go. It took most of the day for me due to my cautious settings.
In Easel I choose Maple because it’s a hard wood. That’s part of the caution process until I get more familiar.
Select the size and thickness of material you desire.
Go through the check list of setting up a carve and go for it!