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Baby Mobiles

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1 comment
Thomas Reith

Project by

Thomas Reith

General Information

The intention for the projek^ct was to support a local organization that helps children and their families that have to struggle with leukemia. The idea is to sell the mobiles on a popular christmas market in ulm and spend the whole money to the organisation.

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Material Description Price
Baltic Birch Plywood

Baltic Birch Plywood (×4)

18" × 24" × 1/8" Baltic Birch Plywood


Things to think about

60 minutes

- Of course you can vary the size and material of the mobile. A great idea is to use different wood for the hanger assembly an the birds. You can paint the wood for the birds before carving them (as we did in the photo). As well you could use wood that naturally have different layers.

- The hanger assembly has small holes which are inteneded to be drilled through depending on the cord you want to use. We used a simple knot (maybe two) to fix the different parts. The hole has to be big enough to lead through the cord, but small enough to ensure that the knot won`t go through the hole.

- Mobiles aren`t a toy to play with. Be careful that you don`t have any parts that could dispense and be swallowed up by small children. Its obligatory to use special colors for toys.

- Its a good idea to carefully sand the whole work piece before removing the parts.

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