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American Flag (Army) (8x5in Flag)

130 opens
69 copies
David Baird

Project by

David Baird
Toano, USA

General Information

A practice run with a new American Flag Graphic I picked up this weekend. It’s only 8" by 5.5"…but I can upscale it when I’m ready for a bigger carve. I did it on 1/2" Poplar with a 1/8" downward spiral bit. It took a little over an hour to carve. I used V-Carve Pro for my Software.

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Awww not shared publicly???
Lawrence Kelley
Why not share ??
Lawrence Kelley
Mark Cooper
Could you please allow this to be shared? THANKS
Mark Cooper
bornt be;lly
this is bad
bornt be;lly
Adam Theer
Can you tell me what you used for you guide boards? I am looking into doing this for my students so they get a more secure piece! Thanks!
Adam Theer
David Baird
Morgan, This is one of my first pieces I ever did, so it is not as polished as some of the work I do now. As for guide boards...I'm not sure what you mean by guide boards. I just set it up on my Inventables X-Carve, clamped it down with the plastic clamps they sell and carved.
David Baird