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Advanced X-Carve Work-Top

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Jawad Saadi

Project by

Jawad Saadi

General Information

Advanced clamping Combining B&D workmate, Festool MFT table surface layout, and the MFT-SP Fixed Clamps. The clamping work-top is capable of holding down any shape surface, or clamping boards vertically for edge routing or engraving.

Videos of me doing the project is on the way.

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Introduction Video

10 minutes

Here is an introduction video of what this project is. It is my first project and my first video production, so please your feedback is appreciated, and criticism is welcomed.


Prepare the Workmate

20 minutes

1- Remove the worktop of the Workmate from the base.

2- In the B&D model I had I needed to flip the right and left tightening screw base to make it easier to screw it to the table from the sides. Depending on the model you have you might not need to do this.

3- I removed the rotating handles and extended their shafts in since the model I have did not clear the table and wouldn’t make a full turn. Again depending on your setup you might not need to do this.


Fixing the workmate on the waist board

60 minutes

1- From an 18 mm MDF board, Cut a board 1000 mm x 935 mm

2- Place the new cut board on the X-Carve frame and fasten it to the frame

3- Use the Easil to cut out an opening for the Workmate top from the previous step according to the size of it top when it is fully extended . Make sure that the middle rail of the x-carve frame is not obstructing. (you can do this with jigsaw much faster) note, the workmate does not need to fit snug, I have made 3 mm clearance all around and it did not cause any issues.

4- Depending on the table under the X-Carve an how you have it placed on the table, you might need to cut clearance for the workmate so the workmate will sink enough that its top is 100% flush with the waist board.

5- Depending on your setup secure the Workmate top to your waist board.

6- The workmate top should be secure to the waist board firmly from its fixed side while the sliding side must be free to fully extend while remaining flush with the table. Depending on your setup use scrap wood, shims to achieve this step.

7- avoid using screws that might come in the way of the carving/cutting it in case you miss the depth adjustment.


Clearance and allignment

The Final setup

1- Test clamping of flat surface using the workmate and dogs

2- Test clamping a vertical work piece using the workmate

3- Make sure that everything clears the movement of the workmate and everything is tight.

4- Verify the X-Carve x access moves perfectly in parallel the the workmate clamping edge, this will be very critical when carving the side of a board, or the end of piece to keep everything aligned.
You can do this by
a- Clamp a board vertical on the workmate
b- Keep the board proud of the workmate clamping sides
c- Put a bit in your spindle and position the it on the 0,0,0 position on the side of the clamped board.
d- slide the spindle on the x axis keep the y axis fixed
e- If he bit stays on the edge of the board throughout its travel then you have completed your project successfully

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Jawad Saadi
I am still building this, more photos and details are on the way.
Jawad Saadi
Jawad Saadi
I've added an introduction video
Jawad Saadi
Jawad Saadi
experimenting with dovetail joinery, first test was too tight, when I perfect the process I will publish a video here
Jawad Saadi
Tim Youngblood
Very clever idea. Well done!
Tim Youngblood
Brady Bolf
Great idea!
Brady Bolf
Helge dokken
This is really a great idea,i digg it :-) Well done Jawad,hmmm i think i will have to steal your idea :-)
Helge dokken
James Steinbrecher
Very nice. I subscribed to your YouTube channel.
James Steinbrecher
Charlie Robinson
Very good idea. I have been trying to decide how to accomplish installing a vise for doing joinery. This idea is superior to where I was going. Building this flush with the table top is GREAT for clamping, and for vertical clamping.
Charlie Robinson
Esam AlRumaithi
that is a good idea, i wish if i did not order the waste board
Esam AlRumaithi
Martin Gutzmer
WOW Very Nice - and SO Practical!
Martin Gutzmer
Steve Prior
As a fan of Festool considering buying the X-Carve this is a great idea. It seems like it'd be a great start for a setup for doing dovetails or box joints.
Steve Prior
Mu Fufu
can i do Moroccan old fashion carving whit that ?
Mu Fufu
Jeremy Hill
Jeremy Hill
endre broennum
Nice work! Love it
endre broennum
Geoff Steer
A way to do box joints and dovetails, I like it!
Geoff Steer
Jawad Saadi
I just noticed the comments, Thanks Every body it is a great encouragement.
Jawad Saadi
Barry Block
Great job! Not having yet built my x-carve I was under the impression that there's a piece of extruded aluminum in the x-carve base that runs fore/aft down the center that would keep you from being able to clamp a board like this. Did you not require the aluminum base in your design? Thanks!
Barry Block
Mike Douglas
The horizontal clamps work quite well if anchored tightly. Your clamps have too much play which is causing lifting. I am still adapting my design for X-Carve but its an idea that is coming over to the new platform.
Mike Douglas
Love this idea. I have a table that I don't use so I will utilize it for this project. I also love the idea that people from all over the world unite and share our common interests and solutions. So in Madison Wisconsin there will be a guy building his own version of your great idea.
Ray Bohlsen
This is a wonderfull idea I have just purchased my "X" carve and having problems holding the work peace, thank you I now have an answer to my problem
Ray Bohlsen
Justin Worsley
If I had seen this before I installed rails I totally would have given this a shot. Especially since I have an old Workmate that I only paid $20 for. Excellent and creative work.
Justin Worsley
Jawad Saadi
The MDF sacrificial top is easy to remove
Jawad Saadi
Adam Beech
Genius. Very clever idea.
Adam Beech
Michael Hudson
Nice share!
Michael Hudson
Vincent Hoonings
any news on the dove tail?
Vincent Hoonings
Anthony Marianni
Any updates on the dovetails?
Anthony Marianni