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3D Heart

251 opens
139 copies
Garin Gardiner

Project by

Garin Gardiner
Tigard, USA

General Information

My dad recently purchased an X-CArve as well and making all sorts of cool wood furniture. He wanted a 3D heart to put on a shelf and the like so I designed a heard in Fusion 360 and imported it into Easel. I LOVE the easy connection!!!

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Copy project and cut it!!!

I initially designed this heart in Fusion 360, created a toolpath, exported g-code and imported it into Easel.

From here you are in pretty good shape as all you need to do is open my Easel project an copy it to your own project. Place wood in your machine (I recommend around 1/2") and clamp your stock to the middle of your machine. From there let er rip!!!

Brian Battaglia
I'd love to know how you constructed this model in Fusion 360. I'd like to do something similar at a different scale but don't know how to turn a 2D SVG of a heart into the nice, three-dimensional shape you made here.
Brian Battaglia
Garin Gardiner
Hey Brian, I have created a video that shows the process to make something like this heart. You could use the Insert SVG from the Insert dropdown then follow the video to create the shape you are looking for. Hope it helps!
Garin Gardiner
Jason Grant
i tried to open in easel but it gave me screen that The webpage cannot be found
Jason Grant
GEORGE Russenholt
Looks great but will not let me open it
GEORGE Russenholt
Paul Carson
Will not let me open
Paul Carson
Andre Spilsbury
Can not open it in Easel
Andre Spilsbury
Anthony Davis
Can't open in Easel and link to video is broken
Anthony Davis
Daniel Harasim
Share ???
Daniel Harasim
Mifflin Russell Tichenor
i tried to open in easel but it gave me screen that The webpage cannot be found
Mifflin Russell Tichenor
Scott Melder
I would love to test carve this, but could not open the file
Scott Melder
Anthony Clate
project will not open
Anthony Clate